- Welcome students and introduce yourself
- Explain the basics of golf and its objectives
2. Safety Procedures (15 minutes):
- Discuss safety rules on the golf course (e.g., watching for other players, warning others of errant shots)
- Emphasize the importance of wearing proper attire (e.g., golf shoes, gloves)
3. Golf Equipment (20 minutes):
- Show students the different types of golf clubs (drivers, irons, wedges, putters)
- Explain the purpose of each club
- Discuss the importance of proper ball selection
4. Practice (20 minutes):
- Have students practice swinging a club (without a ball) to get a feel for the equipment.
Basic Swing Mechanics (25 minutes):
- Break down the swing into its components (backswing, downswing, follow-through)
- Demonstrate how to generate power and control in the swing
2. Swing Tempo (15 minutes):
- Emphasize the importance of a consistent swing tempo
- Have students practice swinging at a slow and controlled tempo
3. Practice (25 minutes):
- Have students practice their swing, focusing on proper mechanics and tempo.
Ball Positioning (20 minutes):
- Explain how to position the ball for different types of shots (drivers, irons, wedges)
- Demonstrate how to adjust ball position based on the club being used
2. Alignment (20 minutes):
- Show students how to align the feet, knees, and shoulders with the target line
- Emphasize the importance of proper alignment for accurate shots
3. Pre-Shot Routine (15 minutes):
- Introduce the concept of a pre-shot routine (e.g., taking practice swings, aligning the clubface)
- Encourage students to develop their own consistent pre-shot routine.
Stance and Posture (20 minutes):
- Demonstrate proper stance and posture for golf
- Emphasize the importance of balance and stability
- Have students practice standing in the correct position
2. Grip and Hand Positioning (20 minutes):
- Show students how to hold the club correctly (grip style, hand positioning)
- Emphasize the importance of a consistent grip
- Have students practice gripping the club
3. Practice (20 minutes):
- Have students practice swinging the club while focusing on stance, grip, and posture.