
Got a passion for golf, tennis, or pickleball? Looking to earn some extra cash teaching what you love on your own schedule? Part-time coaching could be the perfect side hustle for you. Imagine making decent money helping others enjoy the sport you love - all on your schedule. At TeachMe.To, top coaches often earn over $100 per hour-long session and teach on nights and weekends (some even quit their 9 to 5 job and started teaching full-time). But here's the kicker, not all regions are created equal when it comes to raking in the dough. Ready to find out which spots are the most side-hustle friendly?

1. The West Coast Advantage

The West Coast may be the best coast when it comes to earning those tennis, pickleball, and golf side-hustle dollars. Coaches living out west pocketed over $665,000 teaching lessons on TeachMe.To. Leading the way was pickleball coaches, generating over $245,000 by teaching students how to dominate the kitchen and hit the perfect dink. Top Pickleball coaches hustled $119 per lesson into their bank accounts and the average number of lessons taught per coach is 18.81, with some coaches teaching 120 lessons.

West Coast golf coaches were nipping at the pickleballers' heels, bringing in $228,000 in coach payouts with California leading the way with $161,000 of that purse. Experienced coaches, especially those with PGA certifications like Scott Hong, can command high rates into the $200s while the average golf coach earns almost $65 per lesson. The average number of lessons taught per coach is a whopping 39.86 lessons, with some golf pros completing over 100 lessons.

Tennis side-hustlers rounded out the West Coast region's dominance with $151,000. California was the top earner again with $130,000 and crushing the second-highest earner Washington's $14,000. California's population, active lifestyle culture, and weather drove people to turn their passion into a suitable and profitable side gig. Our 500+ tennis coaches in California have given over 7,200 lessons and the lessons per month growth rate vs. last year is up 46%. The average number of lessons taught per coach is 14.39 lessons, with some coaches teaching over 100 lessons and racking up close to $5,000.    

2. The Southern Region: Year-Round Play

The Southern region is right on the heels of the West Coast when it comes to coaching. Southern region pickleball coaches earned a total of $235,183.78 which is only a few thousand dollars less than the West Coast. With an average pay per coaching session of $63.63, being a pickleball coach is an incredible opportunity. Keep in mind that some of the top Pickleball coaches in the South were paid an incredible $119 per lesson, so there is always room for growth. The average number of lessons taught per coach is 18.81, with some coaches teaching 120 lessons and bringing in over $7k in side-hustle earnings. 

Golf coaches in the Southern region brought in $150,365.69, which again is not very far behind the numbers of the West Coast. There are over 350+ coaches in the Southern region that taught those who want to improve their golf game over 8,000 coaching lessons. Some of the top golf coaches, such as Paul Hwang who sports some golfing certifications, bring in over $114 per lesson. 

Last but certainly not least, the Southern region paid out $79,654.58 to tennis coaches. Tennis coaching is still in serious demand today, with over 23.6 million Americans  wielding tennis rackets. There are currently over 240+ tennis coaches in this region and each coach gives an average of 10 coaching lessons to students. ​
Henry Cheetham is one of the top tennis coaches on TeachMe.To. Henry is also a 20-year old college student, that is making over $60 per tennis lesson. Imagine making that much per hour to be doing a sport that you love at that age!

3. The Northeast Brings High-level Play

In the Northeast region, coaches are making big strides when it comes to cashing in on coaching side hustles! The top sport in the Northeast region is tennis, which may surprise you, but with over 23 million tennis players in the United States, tennis is always a popular choice for coaching. In fact, tennis may the best coaching opportunity as the sport has been seeing millions more players each year since 2020. Top tennis coaches such as Andie K. Joseph, make over $100 per coaching lesson.

Coaches in this region brought in $65,579.52 by playing the most popular sport in the country, pickleball. There are currently 200 pickleball coaches in this area, but this number is sure to increase as over 130 new pickleball facilities open each month. If you really want a great opportunity, consider coaching in both pickleball and tennis in this area. Your services will be in serious demand in no time at all!

Not far behind is golf coaching, bringing in $49,146.12. With over 108 golf coaches in the region, that means on average, the golf coaches bring in close to $500. This opportunity is right there for the taking. For example, top golfing coach Matthew Barkann makes $90 per coaching session.

4. The Midwest: Short Season, Big Impact

In the Midwest, golf reigns supreme as a coaching side-hustle with coaches earning an impressive $72,571.99. The Midwest is a hotspot for the sport as it has an incredible number of golf courses, For example, Michigan alone has incredible 852 golf courses! Ohio isn't far behind with 774 courses, and Illinois has 658 courses! It's no surprise that golf coaches are in serious demand in this region. On average, golf coaches make around $55.02 per coaching session, with some coaches earning more than $2k, so it's a great way to make some cash.

Pickleball coaches are crushing it in the Midwest not far behind golf coaches making an incredible $63,896.37. There are currently over 200 pickleball coaches in this region. Caleb Hubbard is one of the most popular coaches in this region and he makes $72 per coaching lesson. With weekly lessons, that means Caleb makes near $300 just from one student! For coaches who get certified by a professional pickleball organization, there are even more incredible income possibilities.

Not only is there great income potential, as more locations open in the Midwest region, demand will only continue to rise for coaches. For example, Black Barn Pickleball is soon to open and it will be the largest indoor pickleball location in Ohio with the space spanning near 24,000 square feet.

Tennis ranks third in the Midwest region with income of $19,903.22. There are currently 60 coaches on the TeachMe.To platform that have served nearly 900 tennis coaching lessons. These coaches have made an average of $48.81 per coaching lesson and earn an average of $326 per month. While this amount is lower than other regions, perhaps part of this is tied to the fact that tennis is traditionally an outdoor sport and the Midwest often experiences long, harsh winters, which limits outdoor tennis play. This does not mean that incredible tennis coaching possibilities are not available. They are! For example, Alfonso Martinez Garcia is a tennis coach that makes over $95 per lesson in southern Michigan. Opportunities are available all over the country for coaches!

Midwestern Region
Northeastern Region
Southern Region
Western Region
Average Pay per Coaching Session
Average Side-Hustle Earnings per Coach: 
Top coach earnings:

The Outlook for Coaching in 2024 and Beyond

The outlook for golf, pickleball, and tennis coaches in 2024 is incredibly exciting, as more coaching opportunities are on the horizon in all three sports! Pickleball is on fire, with over 36 million players fueling the need for coaching talent. This means more players can sharpen their skills and grow their love for the game, driving up demand for coaching and creating win-win opportunities for both players and clubs.

With an estimated 45 million people playing golf in the United States, golf coaching will always be in demand regardless of location. Tennis still has an estimated 23 million players in the United States so there are definitely a lot of players out there that want quality coaching. Looking at the coaching landscape for these three sports, if you enjoy these sports at a high level, and love to teach, right now is a fantastic time to start coaching as a side hustle. If you'd like more info about coaching, go here for more valuable resources and information.