When beginning a warm up, it is best to drink a-lot of warm water as well as hot tea. It allows you to soothe your throat so when there is any fluctuations, you wont ache.
Straining causes ruptures and contusions on the cords, preventing you to get to higher notes. Outside of straining, proper breathe work helps you prolong your note. Using your lung capacity instead of your talking voice changes the texture of a note. Makes it crispier. Properly coughing also keeps your singing voice in tact.
Soon we will get into singing a full-blown song, but working on lyrics and notation for the melancholy and or genre they choose to create in is what we are building to. As fun as it is seen in your room if you want to continue your lessons and or become proficient in your hobbies, it is best to practice outside of school and if you are not practicing within school and you’re practicing on your own time, then you are only becoming greater
Eventually, they’ll be able to start writing lyrics and we will be able to make our own music meeting. The kids will want to become creative enough to make their own song. Giving them that headspace and opportunity is fun because doing stuff independently usually makes people bored but working with somebody as a teacher or professional gives them the part that they need for motivation to work on their hobbies.
Starting a warm up should start at your feet. When instructing students in a lesson, the best thing to do is to get your heart rate up, that way you can practice breathing. Starting on lower notes helps different muscles in the body relax. Oxygen is what were looking for. You should always start at the lowest note to save your voice. Its important if you want to singing during concerts and or good beneficial practices in general.
When warming up from root to head, you should always start with your basic notes. Whatever octave you rest at is important for your range.
Mezzo alto
Once you can figure out your resting voice, you can determine what octave to start at. Sharp notes are what people are most comfortable with because of how you naturally react to the wrong note. Major notes happen to be bass notes. Minor notes, are the inbetweeners. That is where you can start practicing breaking down a run. 1-2-3-4-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1.
Try it out.
CDEFGABC is your note pattern.
If accompanied with an instrument (guitar,piano) you can use the keys and or strings to help you stay on key. It helps you maintain your note.
Getting to higher notes requires a different type of breathe control, because your using a different part of the same muscle. Squeezing your lungs pushes out air differently. When singing in different keys.
Outside of breathe control, pronunciation is import so you can sound clear. The lower the note, the more closed your mouth can be, but you have to keep your head up and back straight, the higher the note, the more open your mouth will be and the higher your head will rise for the air to properly shoot through your vocal cords.
Throat is how most beginners mess up because instead of you using your talking voice, people try to get raspy. Thats typically how vocal cords rub together the whole time. Thats how irritation happens as well.
Talking voices help you get comfortable singing In front of a crowd.