I totally get it. You know that you can sing so well, when you're alone. But, if only someone would give you a bag of tricks, to make other people think so, too. Am I right? You know that you can sound just like the record, and I know that you can sound like your absolute best version of the record, but let's be honest.. you secretly want people to totally flip out when they hear you sing, and shower you with praise, applause, oohs and ahs! I was like you. I could sing the song, but I was just far from satisfied with my performance, or reception from others. Then, one day I got a gig as lead singer of a pro LA band, where I had to sing for 3 hours, I was the only singer, and really I was just searching for way more pleasure in my performance. I want you to use the methods, tricks, and magic that I did to get a crowd of the jaded LA audience to say things like "he's the best singer ever." "The perfect front man." "That voice !" Can you imagine doing an MJ tribute, with the Jackson 5's band, in Hollywood, in front of a crowd of seasoned LA jazz fans? I would never have thought that I could, but using the special techniques I've discovered for singing at my highest potential, I was able to jump on stage with them, and bring the house down biggest of the night, with no rehearsal! We absolutely tore the roof off, and I literally had not rehearsed with the band. But, I must say maybe the greatest compliment I've ever had to my voice professionally might be when Doc, the Hollywood vocal doctor, came to the door of the studio when I was warming up. "Who was that singing?" He asked, his mouth wide open, and his eyes befuddled, and in awe. "I'll be watching for you." He said, and returned to his rehearsal. If you want your loved ones to act all shocked, and shower you with compliments on your voice, we should definitely try a session or two! My wish is to help you put a big old easy button on becoming the most dazzling singer you can possibly be, Only taking students until my band's tour. Hope to work with you soon.