Grip, dink, basic serve, block, play & laugh. Work on forehand, lift, follow thru, backhand & some blocks. Learn all rules of play (I provide a printed guide), keep score, kitchen rules, Look for the "Gap" call out balls correctly & accurately. Smile & sweat! Fee covers 1 on 1 or up to 3 players.
Serve placement, return placement, reduce errors, careful vs. speed up, read the ball, read the opponents, make them run, Stay back? Go up? Go back again? Winning strategies, avoid causing popups, backhand blocks at net, become tattoo resistant (reduce body shots) Serve low & slow, low & fast, low & deep. Choose correct target on every drive & putaway.
1 on 1 fun drills/games, doubles drills/games, 3 player drills/games. My fee covers 1 on 1 & up to 3 additional players. We will have fun & develop skills. Play 7/11 game, 5/5/2 game, Dinky Game, Serve 10 game, Laundry Basket game, Volley Game
Imrove your serve & reduce your errors, careful techniques, safe putaways, effective dinking & driving. Pairing: Court communication, setups, tips, tricks, handsigns, switch, stay, hold, fake, Lefty/Righty pairing, deep lob recovery, when/how to lob, When to stay back? Go up? Tether play, staggered, middle line, corners.
Cooperative close volley, then NVZ Volley game with points. Next up, block incoming hot drives. Place them well. Serve accuracy drills. Speed/ height/ depth. Find your best Ace. Serve to target game. One on one training or to 3 may participate on same fee.
Reduce errors, learn a variety of skill building drills/games. Fakes, tricks, Ernie practice, ATP practice & variety of dirty dinking. Court efficiency. (play more, run less) NVZ Speed drills. Own the midcourt. Tether play... split up...back to tether. Feet placement while hitting on the run. Lefty/Righty pairing. Stacking vs. Switching.
Backhand blocking drill, forehand drive to target, backhand tuning, overhead shots drill, create setups, read the ball, read the opponent, pair well with any partner, lol, 3rd Shot Drop game (7/11 game). Mini lob drill, 5/5/2 Error reduction game. (score goes backwards on errors) Long duration dinking, putaway punch, backhand roll, fake.
Singles or pair strategy. X court play, line drive drill, mini lob drill, speedups, slow downs, when to reset, place reset, place every shot. Variate speed of play. Court comms. One on one training or to 3 may participate on same fee.