Getting comfortable with the basic fundamentals of golf, going over some important rules, etiquette, and necessary equipment go over your grip, stance, and set up to see where your at in your current golf game. Our main goal in this lesson will be to create a good general understanding and foundation to build on moving forward.
Applying ourselves in what we’ve learned and taking it out onto the course will start being our focus, understanding the importance of our mental game not just the technical. You’ll have a personalized, tailored plan that will enable you to reach your full potential not only and a golfer but also as an athlete and competitor. Whether you’re competing at a high level or just starting your journey as a golfer, moving forward our goal will always be go back and see what things we can improve on and learn from our mistakes, to get better and better with every chip, every putt and every swing we make.
By this point we should be able to shift our focus more to how far we hit each club, where we want to hit it and also how we’re able to control the distance of our shots with each club. We’ll get to work on distance control and target practice with our short-game as well. Understanding the importance of the decisions we make on the golf course with each individual shot, which would be something called our course management strategies is a very important aspect of golf we will cover, along with how often and what we need to practice, in order to gain more and more confidence and better our game.
After a good and solid understanding of everything we learned in the first lesson, by doing a brief recap, we can move onto introducing some pitching and short-game (putting & chipping) to get a good feel for each part of the game. We’ll also want to create some understanding around the importance of the all these covered parts, when it comes to scoring out on the golf course
Hitting a few shots to warm-up, get your swing on camera and see where you’re at technically as well as we’ll tracking your ball flight. Looking at everything from your setup to your grip, to take away and swing plane.
Developing and bettering the technical part of your game is great but a good player will always understand the importance of the mental strength that golf requires you to have. To be patient resilient, and being as strategic as possible is something we’ll also work on, especially going forth as you advance to be the best possible player that you can be.
With every round you’ll start learning the importance of keeping record of the greens in regulation you hit, fairways you hit and amount of putts you had during each round you play. That’ll also help us keep track of your improvement during each practice session will be able to help us formulate not only off course but also on course strategies to have you start scoring lower and lower rounds.
We’ll recap on all we did in the first lesson and move on to seeing technically what drills and practice techniques we can make use of to get you on a solid path with your swing. We’ll hit some pitch shots, chip shots and see how your putting is. Depending on what your strengths are and things or whatever would need improvement to help you score better on the course, we’ll tailor a practice plan around that.