Bernard has been immersed in golf since the age of six, competing in numerous tournaments and earning placements along the way. Now 34, he finds his true passion in teaching the game. Known for his ability to instruct and connect with players, Bernard thrives on helping others improve. He treasures the moment when a student achieves success through his guidance, making each lesson a rewarding experience for both coach and player.
4553 Longfellow Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407, USA
623.6 miles away7807 Creekridge Cir, Bloomington, MN 55438, USA
627.2 miles away6364 John Harris Dr, Edina, MN 55439, USA
627.9 miles away7420 Braemar Blvd, Edina, MN 55436, USA
628.2 miles away9855 W 74th St, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA
628.7 miles away2805 Winners Cir Dr, Shakopee, MN 55379, USA
629.5 miles away316 Brookview Pkwy S, Golden Valley, MN 55426, USA
631.6 miles away