If absolute beginner I will first start explaining about golf game, how many holes does it consist and brief introduction of par 3, par 4, par 5 in a golf round. What attire and equipment does it require and brief rules. Will start with putting and chipping at first lesson
Continue hitting full swing until they perform thr correct and straight shots while maintaining stance, direction, impact, and judgement of distance and choosing a correct club for the shot depending on the ground whether its fairway or rough or bunker etc
These sessions will include more fuller swing if the student can perform half swings in a correct kinesthetic mode. Assuring correct grip, stance, target, kinestetic, hitting the ball correctly, backswing and correct tempo understanding
Second and third lesson the student can learn about grip, stance, posture behind the ball and start with half swing just to get sense of hitting the ball with a club and correct body kinesthetic in order to perform that shot.
For advanced players I will see their swing first, analyze their swing, distance and strength and weakness in a swing and start correcting one by one
Flop shots, green side bunker shots, fairway bunker shots, greens in regulation, course management, judgement of clubs depending on weather, ground etc, how you score better, to decrease their handicap etc
Course management depending on their handicap, analyzing their greens in regulation percentage, what they lack for increasing greens in regulation, bunker shots, chipping pitching enhanced skills
If its a grip start correcting, or its stance or direction or backswing or downswing, correct impact, choosing the right club depending on the lie and how to hit efficiently