Whether you're looking to perfect your smash, improve your backhand, or even step onto the tennis court for the first time, hiring a coach might be your next best move. After all, tennis injuries are not only common but can also be severe, and proper technique helps you play the game masterfully and safely. 

As you browse through different coaching options and lessons, you might be wondering: How much do coaches cost? In this guide, we'll walk you through the various pricing options for tennis lessons. 

How Much Are Private Tennis Lessons?

Private tennis lessons offer personalized attention and tailored coaching, making them a popular choice for players of all levels. For beginners, private tennis lessons usually start at a reasonable $60, providing a solid foundation in the basics of the game. 

As you progress and seek more advanced training, the cost can increase to $100 or more — after all, you’ll need the expertise of high-level coaches who can fine-tune your technique, strategy, and overall gameplay.

Generally, the cost of a private tennis lesson will depend on: 

  • The coach's experience: A more seasoned coach will naturally charge more.

  • Location: Prices can vary by region due to the cost of living and demand.

  • Lesson duration: Longer sessions usually cost more, offering more in-depth training.

How Much Are Tennis Classes?

Tennis classes, often conducted in small groups, strike a balance between individual attention and the camaraderie of learning with others. These classes are structured to cater to different skill levels, from beginners to intermediate players. 

The cost of tennis classes is generally comparable to that of group lessons, making them an affordable option for those who enjoy learning in a social setting.

Are Group Tennis Lessons Cheaper?

Yes! Group tennis lessons typically have a more economical price tag, especially for new players or couples looking to learn together. The price of group lessons is often similar to tennis clinics, making them an attractive option for those on a budget or seeking a more interactive learning experience.

Group lessons also offer a sense of community and motivation as you learn and grow alongside your peers. This setting can be particularly encouraging for beginners who might feel intimidated in one-on-one sessions.

How to Choose the Right Tennis Lesson

Still debating your options? To help you better understand the pricing and structure of different lesson types, here's a handy chart:

Lesson Type

Skill Level

Price Range


Private Lessons

All levels

$60 and up

Personalized coaching, flexible scheduling

Tennis Classes


Under $60

Balance of individual attention and group dynamics

Group Lessons


Under $60

Economical, social learning environment

Remember, the right lesson for you depends on your skill level, learning preferences, and budget.

The Value of Tennis Coaching? Priceless

Whether you opt for private lessons, classes, or group lessons, each format offers unique advantages that cater to different needs and preferences. 

As you embark on or continue your tennis journey, remember that the right coach and lesson type can significantly elevate your game. So, grab your racket, find a tennis coach near you, and prepare to serve some great tennis matches!