Author: Akash Agarwal

The pickleball boom is not ending anytime soon. According to a report released in 2022 by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, the game already has more than 4.8 million players in the U.S. Another 2023 YouGov study shows that 14% of the nation's citizens have recently interacted with the sport. 

We have seen even star athletes, ranging from Patrick Mahomes and Kevin Durant to Tom Brady and LeBron James, joining in on the fun. The sport is also attracting plenty of sponsors who have seen its potential. It is no surprise that it has been identified as the fastest-growing sport in the U.S. But what is causing all this pickleball craze?

First and foremost, pickleball is a fun and social game that people of all ages can play. Another reason is that it blends ping pong, tennis, and badminton. Through my interaction with the game over time, I have uncovered that pickleball is not just a game but a fantastic learning opportunity. Below are some of the valuable life lessons I have picked from it.  

As a dedicated player and coach, I have come to learn that pickleball demands plenty of adaptability and flexibility. Just as you have to adapt to the changing dynamics and pace of a match, you also need to persevere through numerous diverse life experiences. The game is played on a smaller court, requiring you to change strategies swiftly. You have to adjust to new circumstances and keep thinking on your feet to win a pickle game, as you would do if you want to win the game of life. 

However, you will need more than individual adaptability to win a pickleball game. The sport is mainly played in doubles, necessitating plenty of teamwork and collaboration among partners. You will require effective communication skills here, as you could have to team up with new people all the time. This helps you learn how to collaborate with new people and adapt your style and skill to match with theirs. 

You can hardly win a pickleball game without plenty of resilience. While the game is very straightforward, when playing, it sometimes feels like you are moving one step forward and two backward. There is always something to learn every time you step onto the court, even for players who are "pretty good," such as myself. Whenever I lose a point or miss a shot, the game's momentum shifts significantly, but that is never a reason to give up. I have to learn how to rebound and inspire myself and my partners. Sounds like something you have to do frequently in life as well, right? 

When you do win, it is not an opportunity to boast. Pickleball teaches us to accept both wins and losses with utmost humility and graciousness. In fact, losing a pickleball game may not be that bad. In some competitions, losers get to walk away with a jar of pickles. Not a bad consolation prize at all, is it? Overall, a spirit of togetherness and respect hovers over the game, which is a great thing to learn if you want to build and foster long-lasting relationships in life. 

While still on the topic of winning and losing, pickleball can significantly help you learn how your mood –good or bad – can rub off on others. It's very easy to get worked up when the game is not going the way you want it to. Sometimes you can lose to players you least expect (older and perhaps less skilled) and as such you need to accept that. They simply work the strategies better in ways that you least expect, simply blocking your shot from the ‘kitchen' line and then finishing off the shot with a well placed “dink”. 

Throughout my years of playing and coaching, I have experienced how frustrating it can be to play with a sore loser. When someone misses a few shots and starts spiraling, the whole mood is ruined. Going about life too seriously can also make you unpopular in your circles.  

As you interact with your team members and opponents in a pickle game, you will come to appreciate the importance of integrity. Just as in life, honesty will get you very far in the game. There are no "let calls" in this game and it is played like many other sports in good spirits of honesty and integrity. 

Finally, you are going to need plenty of focus in pickleball, which is the same case with your life. On the court, you have to employ maximum concentration and awareness to maintain the game's momentum and increase your team's chances of winning. Whenever you lower your guard, you give your opponents a chance to score. Your opponents have to stay alert as well, otherwise, you can score easily. Even in life, you have to stay alert and look out for opportunities to improve your condition.  

Beyond the need to think fast and ahead (on your feet), Pickleball fosters a sense of community. The game is played almost always in groups where you simply show up and place your "paddle" in a queue and end up playing with new people. The no-fuss and no-reservation approach enables people of all genres to play and have fun together. This is the essence of life from at least my perspective - “Live the let live”. 

Pickleball is maintaining its growth momentum and attracting plenty of new players of all demographics and ages. Most love it due to its ease of play and the level of fun it generates. It also allows you to learn numerous life lessons, such as the ones I have outlined above. But don't take my word for it. Take the initiative to step onto the court and start learning your life lessons from pickleball.   

Jai Ho! (let victory prevail)

Akash Agarwal has over 25 years of experience in the enterprise software space. He describes himself as a Tennis Addict and Pickleball junkie. When not working on his startup you can find him coaching Pickleball with the TeachMe.To platform in San Francisco Bay Area. 

He holds an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School, and a B.S. in Computer Science (with honors) from the University of Kent at Canterbury, England. Akash has a global perspective and has lived and worked on three continents.