Pickleball is one of the easiest sports to pick up, as evidenced by its tremendous popularity. However, if you're struggling to progress beyond the basics or find yourself frequently on the losing end of games, it can feel frustrating and demotivating. Fortunately, with the right guidance and tips from seasoned players, you can quickly improve your game and enjoy the competitive aspects of pickleball.

To set you on a path to rapid improvement, we've sourced valuable advice from 30+ expert pickleball coaches at TeachMe.To who’ve provided thousands of lessons across the country. Use these tips to enhance your skills, strategy, and enjoyment of the game within your first year.

Serve with Precision and Purpose

A robust serve sets the foundation for a successful game. Craig Petra advises using orange cones as targets to practice different serves, incorporating various spins and speeds. This method helps in developing a serve that can consistently challenge your opponents and control the flow of the game.

Jon Tan agrees, pointing out the significance of precision in serving. "Start by ensuring your serves hit a specific target area consistently before trying to add power," he suggests. As you become more proficient, gradually introduce variations in spin and speed to challenge yourself further.

Master the Deep Return

Michael Getoff, who has been coaching for 2-5 years, emphasizes the importance of a strong return serve. He advises, "Focus on delivering a deep return, preferably to your opponent's backhand, and ensure you're positioned at the kitchen line ready to respond." 

Practice this by having a partner serve to you, scoring points for each return that lands close to the baseline to simulate match pressure.

Communicate Effectively in Doubles

Communicating with your doubles partner is crucial, according to Mike DeWeese. "Always be aware of each other's positions and intentions on the court to avoid collisions and to strategize effectively," he says. Although specific drills aren't necessarily needed, practicing verbal cues during casual games can strengthen your team dynamics.

Develop Strong Drop Shots

Drop shots are essential for advancing your play to higher levels. Scott Zeidman stresses the need for precise control over these shots: "It is essential to become adept at drop shots if you plan on raising your level of play above a 3.5 player.” 

Regularly practice with a coach or an experienced player who can correct your form and help you execute drop shots mechanically. Incorporating drills that focus on kitchen play and drop shots can build this skill effectively.

Improve Footwork Agility

Bree, with two years of coaching experience, highlights the importance of agile footwork. "Practice lateral jumps, ladder movements, and squats to improve your ability to move quickly and efficiently on the court," she recommends. Drills like 'cat and mouse', where players challenge each other in the kitchen area, can significantly improve your reaction times and positioning.

Similarly, Derek R highlights the necessity of proper footwork, particularly when moving laterally along the kitchen line or transitioning back for overhead shots. "Avoid crossing your feet and instead use quick shuffle steps to maintain balance and readiness," he advises. 

Practicing these movements can be done by setting up drills where a partner tosses balls to either side, requiring lateral movements and quick adjustments, mimicking game scenarios.

Enhance Your Game with Proper Conditioning

Physical fitness is crucial in pickleball, especially if you want to play at a competitive level. Walter Araujo suggests integrating several sessions of conditioning into your weekly routine, focusing on exercises that improve footwork, strength, and hand speed, thus enhancing your overall agility and performance on the court.

Level Up Volleying Skills Around the Kitchen Area

Mastering kitchen play is essential for dominating pickleball matches. According to Dave, who’s coached pickleball for 10+ years, economizing movement and keeping your paddle forward are key. He recommends practicing volleys from various distances within the kitchen area to refine your ability to quickly respond to shots.

Perfect Your Split Step for Enhanced Mobility

Understanding and mastering the split step can drastically improve your reaction time and mobility on the court. Michael Thompson emphasizes the importance of this fundamental movement as it allows players to quickly adjust and position themselves optimally after each shot. 

He suggests, "Practice the split step by transitioning from the baseline to the non-volley zone (NVZ), focusing on the proper weight transfer from non-dominant to dominant side to maximize efficiency and speed." Regular drills that emphasize dynamic footwork will help you become more agile and responsive during games.

Incorporate Conditioning to Enhance Play

Walter Araujo stresses the importance of physical conditioning to support your gameplay. "Integrate sessions of conditioning that focus on enhancing your footwork, strength, and hand speed," he notes. 

Exercises like agility ladders, plyometric drills, and light strength training can greatly improve your endurance and performance on the court, making you a tougher opponent.

With these expert tips from our seasoned pickleball coaches, your journey to becoming a proficient player in just one year is more attainable. Remember, consistent practice, strategic play, and enjoying the learning process are key to your improvement.

Ready to start your pickleball journey? Whether you are a complete beginner or looking to hone your skills, our coaches are here to help you succeed and have fun. Find a top pickleball coach near you on TeachMe.To