One of the most important things to understand when learning how to play pickleball is the court dimensions. In this blog post, we will discuss the court dimensions for pickleball and how they affect gameplay.

If you don't know what is pickleball, you can see our article about it here

Also, if you are unsure on how to play it, be sure to also check out this article here as well.

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The Court Size:

A pickleball court is typically 20x44 feet in size. Because of the smaller court size, quick and agile gameplay is possible, making it a popular sport for players of all ages and skill levels. The smaller court size also allows for more players to be on the court at the same time, making it an excellent choice for doubles or even quads play.

The Net Height:

Pickleball's net is 34 inches tall in the center, which is lower than the standard net height in tennis. This lower net height makes the game more accessible and encourages players to shoot with more finesse and strategy.

The Non-Volley Zone:

The non-volley zone, also known as the "kitchen," is an area on each side of the net that is 7 feet from the net. Volleys are not permitted in this area, making the game more accessible to newcomers and encouraging players to use more ground strokes. The non-volley zone also prevents players from dominating the game with volleys and serves, increasing competition.

The Service Line:

The service line is the line that separates the right and left service courts. The server must stand behind this line when serving the ball, and the ball must pass over the net and land within the opponent's service court for it to be a legal serve. This line helps to keep the game fair and prevent players from using serves as a dominant strategy.

The Centerline:

The centerline is the line that divides the court's left and right sides. A point is awarded when the ball lands on the opposing team's side of the court. This line aids in the fairness of the game by preventing players from dominating one side of the court.

The Impact of Court Dimensions on Gameplay:

The smaller court size, lower net height, non-volley zone, service line, and centerline all play an important role in pickleball gameplay. Because of the smaller court size, which promotes quick and agile movement, it is a popular sport for players of all ages and skill levels. Because of the lower net height, players are encouraged to use more finesse and strategy in their shots. The non-volley zone makes the game more accessible to new players and encourages more ground strokes. The service line and centerline help to keep the game fair by preventing players from dominating one side of the court with serves.


In conclusion, understanding the court dimensions for pickleball is essential for players of all skill levels. 

The smaller court size, lower net height, non-volley zone, service line, and centerline all play a crucial role in the gameplay of pickleball and affect the way the game is played. By understanding these dimensions, players can develop strategies and techniques that will help them to improve their gameplay and enjoy the sport even more.

Also, if you want to start right now, be sure to check out us on You will find the best pros near you, with the best prices, and with the most frictionless process out there. 

Interested in building and maintaining your own court? Check out this guide.

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