Golf is more than just a game for Mitch Salzman; golf is a passion that he uses to transform lives and create positive change in the world. With over 25 years of experience of both playing and coaching golf, it has always been an important part of his life. Despite owning his own business and having a growing family, Mitch made the time to coach on the side, sharing his love for the game with others. 

A key moment came for Mitch when he discovered TeachMe.To, a platform that gives beginner golfers the ability to connect with top-rated instructors in their area. Through this platform, Mitch was able to expand his coaching reach and attract more students. “Using TeachMe.To is like having a personal sales assistant,” Mitch says, “promoting yourself is hard, but using this platform allowed me to reach new students I never would have found on my own.” With TeachMe.To’s support, Mitch was able to focus entirely on coaching, and he even later secured a position as a full-time instructor at Woodley Golf Course in Los Angeles. The satisfaction of following his dream is something Mitch reflects on often as he now gets to do what he loves every day.

Pursuing A Passion

Mitch Saltzman (center) with two coaching students
MItch Salzman (center) with two coaching students

For Mitch, transitioning from part-time coaching to full-time instruction required a major life decision—closing his small business. This wasn’t an easy choice, but Mitch knew that his true passion was in coaching golf. TeachMe.To provided the flexibility to pursue more coaching opportunities and gave him financial stability that made this career transition possible. Mitch became inspired by his success as a coach on TeachMe.To and made the choice to obtain his PGA certification, which opened even more doors for him in professional golf instruction.

Mitch is dedicated to making golf accessible to everyone. Unlike many coaches, Mitch offers his lessons at half the cost of his competitors, with the goal of breaking down barriers to entry. His mission is to help beginners get into the game and to provide affordable instruction to students from all walks of life. Mitch believes that golf should be a sport for everyone, and through his efforts, he's ensuring that more people can experience the joy of playing.

Using Golf To Transform Lives

Mitch’s influence on his students extends far beyond the golf course. One particularly inspiring story is of a student that is a former drug addict. This individual credits Mitch’s mentorship, and the discipline of playing golf, with helping him get clean. Mitch knows firsthand that golf can be used as a tool to empower people to transform their lives. He continues to play weekly with this student, reinforcing his belief that golf is more than a sport—it’s a way to teach valuable life lessons.

At the core of Mitch’s approach is a simple but powerful personal mission: to do the right thing. Mitch remains dedicated to growing the sport in his own way. He focuses on making golf more inclusive and accessible, always prioritizing the needs of his students. Through teaching with integrity and purpose, Mitch has demonstrated golf can be a positive force in people’s lives. 

Empowering Both Coaches and Students 

TeachMe.To was instrumental in Mitch’s success, as it helped Mitch grow his coaching business and turn his passion into a legitimate career. The platform not only empowers coaches but also transforms the lives of students by making high-quality instruction accessible to beginners.

As Mitch continues his journey as a full-time instructor, his impact on the golf community is already significant. Mitch is dedicated to providing affordable, high-quality instruction has inspired a new generation of golfers, and his coaching continues to leave a powerful legacy.

If you’re inspired by Mitch’s story and want to take your first step into the world of golf, you can book a lesson through TeachMe.To. Follow the platform for more inspiring stories like Mitch’s and discover how TeachMe.To is revolutionizing the way sports are taught and learned.